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Rich Mermaids


Heal Your Relationship With Yourself & Have The Confidence To Go For Your Dreams & Create Your Rich Life

Are you tired of putting everybody's needs ahead of your dreams?

You have too many ideas and feel overwhelmed with how to bring them to life, so you don't do anything about them and yet another year passes by...


You want to bring extra income to your household but you never get started.


"All the things" you have to do to get your project up and going feel daunting, so you don't do anything- at all.



Is This You?

  • How long have you been dreaming about starting that podcast? But the fear of not having something good enough to say stops you from getting started...


  • How long have you been making your art and saying that you will sell it at festivals, or post it on social media, but you are too scared to show it because of shame of what other people would think?


  • How long have you been stuck at home taking care of your kids and saying: "One day I'm gonna start that business?" But that day always gets postponed because it all feels like too much...


  • How long have you been telling yourself "One day I'm gonna quit my 9-5 to do what I love", yet you don't feel confident enough to leap?

  • Maybe you already have your own business, but you never seem to make the money that you are capable of making!


This is why I created RICH MERMAIDS, I know what it’s like to make your dreams the last priority and have past trauma, fear, and insecurities hold you back from starting your dream business, allowing & making the money that you want, and living a RICH LIFE! 


Inside  RICH MERMAIDS I will show that living a RICH LIFE is an inside job! 


You will learn how to become RICH from the inside, so you can heal your relationship with yourself, and live a healthy, pampered life while having fun and leaving the shame of what others would think behind!

I’m going to give you the exact method that has taken me from broke, jobless, and single to a healthy, happy mom and running a 300K year business with the love of my life -plus being CEO of my dream coaching business…. all while having the time of my life! 



Imagine if you were...


  • Bringing your passion project to life so you can build that purpose-desired business that you dreamed about for so long.


  • Feeling focused, light, and energized in your body, and excited to wake up every morning because you know you have a day ahead of making your dreams come true.


  • Feeling at peace with yourself and fulfilled with a true sense of purpose and accomplishment.


  • Living a life full of love, purpose, grace, ease, generosity, and influence, making an impact on other people's lives with your unique gifts.



What's inside the Rich Mermaid's Mastermind?


In this 4-month mastermind you will get:



  • Weekly group coaching calls to get clarity on your goals & get the mindset & confidence to overcome what is stopping you from taking action toward your dreams with my guidance. Support, motivation, inspiration & tangible action steps for you to take, are the name of the game.


  • Access to my signature world-class trainings, meditations, live visualization classes, money mindset reprogramming, and wellness tools to help you build your RICH life and passion project from the inside out. A RICH Mermaid not only makes great money, but also feels good in her body, mind, and soul!


  • Support from a loving sisterhood of like-minded women (mermaids) who will cheer you on, and celebrate your victories each step of the way. It takes a village and you are no longer alone!


Are you ready?


If you’re done putting your dreams at the bottom of the to-do list and you’re ready to heal your relationship with money and create your RICH life, I’m ready to show you how, Mermaid!


The Price of This 4- Month Mastermind Investment Is $2500





Hell Yeah, You Are Mermaid Now!

Legal Terms Refund Policy

Purchased sessions, services, masterminds, courses, and programs are non-refundable.

If you purchase the mastermind experience and you miss live classes, workouts, meditations, etc. your money won't be refunded. Everything will be recorded so you can access it during the duration of the program purchased.



What's the duration of the Mastermind?

The Mastermind is a 4-month program. From your start date, you will have 4 months to immerse yourself in this life-changing experience so you can really see lasting changes in your life. The first cohort of the Rich Mermaids starts on September 18, 2023!


What happens if I miss a class/event?

No problem! Everything will be recorded and you will be able to watch every single session on your own time.


What is the schedule of the classes/events?

We have Mermaids joining us from all over the world and different time zones, therefore we are providing a dynamic schedule that has different days and times so you can find at least one activity that you can join live every week! ​


I work during the coaching times, should I join the Mastermind anyway?

Absolutely! Everything will be recorded so you can watch it later. You can submit any coaching questions beforehand in our private Facebook group and I will answer them for you during the coaching sessions or on a separate video!


I'm very busy these days, should I wait until my life gets less hectic to join the mastermind?

I get you, mermaid! Life is busy for most of us, talk about balancing motherhood, career, relationships, health, etc.


This is the thing: I've noticed that several mermaids who joined the mastermind at a hectic time of their lives have found that by being in the mastermind, they were able to navigate those hectic times in a much smoother way than if they didn't join.


They had the tools, support, coaching, and sisterhood to lean on during difficult times. That made the process much shorter and they could get centered and aligned much faster.

If you can commit to a minimum of 1-2 monthly coaching calls with me,  you will see your life transform and get your money's worth.


Baby steps win the race, and each call facilitates the opening for a massive breakthrough so you can move into the next step in your life.

There's never going to be a perfect time to join, so follow what your heart desires, and go with the flow of the "imperfect" time to join! :)



Are the live classes/events mandatory?

Nothing is mandatory in this Mastermind. I suggest that you watch the recordings at your own pace and interact in our private Facebook group to make the most out of this Mastermind.


Do I have to do everything that you offer (wellness &nutrition, dance parties, inner healing & abundance-money mindset work)?

You can do as much or as little as you'd like!

We offer you 4 daily pillars to transform your life, and as long as you take gentle, baby steps, you will see incredible changes that will make you feel happier, more connected with yourself, and lighter! In just a few minutes a day, you will get the step-by-step process to ensure you are moving forward with your goals. There is no exam to pass and as long as you show up (imperfectly) you'll love this experience and will get incredible results!



Do we get 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Mercedes in this Mastermind?

All of my coaching sessions are done in a group setting. You can ask your questions in the live classes, or before the class, and I will answer live, or on a special video made just for you!




I'd like to work 1:1 with Mercedes, can I do that?

Of course, you can! I am currently offering a one-time Deep Dive Coaching Session with Voxer Support, and a high-level, VIP hybrid container that includes this mastermind plus 1:1 coaching for close proximity mentorship. There are only two spots left for this latter offer, for women who are ready to make a massive uplevel and want to upgrade every single aspect of their lives. Email me at: to learn about this VIP offer and apply to see if we are a good fit to work together.


Is the Mastermind refundable?

Any purchase of this Mastermind or any other services that Mercedes offers are non-refundable, no matter the circumstance.



Do you have other questions?

Email us at and we are happy to get in touch with you!

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